Life Spans

Written in the Lathkill Valley in Derbyshire, England, whilst on a fishing excursion.

On the first day, as fishing was over and the afternoon wound down, I sat in the garden of our stone cottage with a glass of scotch in my hand, listening to the sounds of the place and thinking how the pace of life is so greatly different for each of the things we see around us.

These haiku began to arrive when the glass was about half finished.

Afternoon at Rock Cottage
Midsummer’s green light
Rabbits, pheasants, old stone wall
Pink roses climbing.

Remembering Venus
Along the Lathkill
Roses, campion, foxglove
Your sacred color. 

Life spans
Mayflies hatch and die
New brown ducklings, chuckling coots
Patient old stone wall.

Evening at Rock Cottage
Green trees gone to black
Blue-black light inside the dark
Half moon setting west.

By the time the glass was empty, the rhythm of my life felt a little more in sync with the things around me.

Good scotch will do that.

Financial analyst examines Reverse Mortgages and concludes…….

The evidence piles up: there are compelling reasons for making  home equity part of your client’s retirement income strategy.

In an article in the Financial Planning Journal,  Wade Pfau, PhD, CFA analyzes the current literature in six studies on whether and how home equity should be incorporated in a retirement income plan, particularly where sequence of returns risk is a concern.

Through simulations, the article considers the use of a reverse mortgage in five different scenarios, using as a control case a sixth scenario in which a reverse mortgage is not used.

The takeaway: there is great value for most clients in opening a reverse mortgage line of credit at the earliest possible age. And most frequently, the reverse mortgage reduces the inherent risk in the income strategy.